Saturday, September 23, 2006

We're moving??????? OCT 15, '06. Holy crap.

I'm not sure WHY I am surprised, but I guess I am still fumbling with knowing what the hell to do to get it in order, as well as being petrified that something is going to come along and WHACK me back to reality. Nothing ever goes this smoothly. Ever. This is going to make my life so much HARDER in so many ways...yet more "the norm" in others. I spent today packing (if you can call it that) and walking down memory lane. I had started with books, moved on to some drawers, then to some photo albums and a stroll down memory lane with the loose pictures. I found myself looking at images of my grandparents as kids, or with thier siblings, or pictures of mom with me, or my sibs. I guess it felt like they were giving me a "nod" like "it's okay", and I believe it is....

So why is my heart in the pit of my stomache as well as SOARING at the same time????
Ugh.....I want to be sure this is right. I guess you never know until after you've done it... Fingers crossed!! ~L

1 comment:

Linda said...

Life is one constant walk outside your comfort zone. You are right on track.
