Today really should have been "easy enough".
Kath had to be at practice at 5. Bryan had to be dressed by then for football. Maddie had a cookout to be at, also at 5 - near cheerleading - with a bag of chips. Sounds remarkably do-able right?
4:45 Bryan not totally dressed. Now we're leaving a little late. That's ok. I can deal.
4:50 Leave the house.
4:54 No cash, no time to go buy chips.
5:02 Drop Kathryn and drive BACK to the center of town for chips.
5:10 Maddie is still counting quarters and other change in the seats to buy a bag of chips.
5:15 Drop Maddie (good thing it was near cheerleading since we had to go all the way back to the center anyway, right?)
5:25 Get back to field.
5:30 Bryan's practice starts
5:31 answer 5th call - since I left the house - from a cheer mom who doesn't know where this field is, and needs more directions.
5:32 switch lines to new incoming call, which requires me to run to the fieldhouse to take 2 pictures of players in game shirts. Ok, easy. Be there at 6. (Kathryn is DONE at 6:15, and I won't be there)
5:35 A friend is pulling in to parking lot and I run across field to see if Joe can stay with her, and Kathryn once she's out. She says sure, but there are not parking spaces so I should just take her car and go. Sure.
5:40 Answer call from same friend who says Joe has fallen off a fence and hit his head, but ran away cuz he's embarrassed. Turn around and go back to field.
5:44 Joe wants to stay, needs 8 hugs, and lets me leave in he car again.
5:49 Get call again from friend. Joe wants me to come back for him. I say no, I'm already late, and I'll be back in 15 minutes.
5:51 GET to fieldhouse parking lot. She calls again. Wants to know my ETA, as her football player on Bryan's team is feeling like he needs his inhaler...which is in her purse on the seat with me. As soon as I can...but I'm taking this picture.
5:55 Get into fieldhouse. Player walks in, and I open camera to take te picture. Battery is in my purse. In my $%^*# truck at the field.
6:03 Stuck in Central Ave traffic trying to get back to field to drop inhaler, get my truck, and get BACK to the &*#%^& fieldhouse to take %&$^$ picture.
6:15 Take picture.
6:18 headed back to field
6:25 arrive, and Kathryn lambastes me for being late.
6:30 Another kid has arrived who needs a picture in a jersey that is...yes...at the fieldhouse.
6:35 Throw camera at John and tell him to take picture and bring camera back.
MEANWHILE, I realize I do NOT have the key for the lights on the field. Turns out a coach in Natick took it with him.
6:45 Find a DIFFERENT coach, who thank GOD had the only other key in existance, with him.
7:30 Everyone is out, done, and go to car. Find Dave S whose kid locked the keys in the trunk of his car. Spend 45 minutes trying to get into it in the dark.
8:25 Return a half hour late to pick Maddie up. They want me to stay for dessert. LIKE we've had dinner yet??? Hah.
8:35 Get home to find that Mom has dinner ready to GO right onto plates (YIPPIIIEE!!)
8:50 Maddie realizes she's missing a book she needs to take to school. Tears begin.
8:55 Begin back-to-school shopping at Walgreens for the "light" list of necessities.
9:30-9:55 Pack bags, kick kids into bed, and begin folding 1700 loads of laundry.
Seriously?????? This is going to be a hell of a year. Really.
What'd I do today??? Oh, took the kids to practice and did some laundry. That's all. ;o)
1 comment:
Bahahahahaaa...no, not that day. Today was far smoother....we got home earlier, ate, packed bags, got clothes ready and EVEN got some showers in! Yay!
LOL... the play??? Well, the play sucked and I knew it would be a bad day when they ran out of popcorn...
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