Sunday, May 4, 2008

First Communion Luau

We have reached a milestone in the P'fam. The final First Communion has taken place! As with all family holidays, it wouldn't have been complete without the last minute "straightening spree", and imported food from Catering By Grandmothers...all our events are catered, or people go's a fact of life.

Never-the-less, as we close in on the home stretch of the celebration (ie, the Beginning of the Post-Communion party), Joe and one of his cousins disappeared, off "riding bikes", but when they failed to return after 20-30 minutes, Chris and his Uncle went looking for the boys...after all, it is Joe's party n'all so people kept asking for them. And he's riding bikes in a nice dark pinstripe suit, crisp white shirt, and tie. How hard can he be to find? I mean, Needham is pretty tightly wound, but even that stands out...

Chris and Uncle B wander until they see bikes outside the local pizza place about a block away, leaning against the building. They walk down the block, and wander in to find the two boys hunkered down at a booth, eating Mike-n-Ike's. (seriously?) They get kicked back into play, and sent home.

As the story moves throughout the party, and grows increasingly comical - with incinuations of shady, young-mafia jokes are being made, Matt says "So you come to me on the day of my First Communion....and ask me for a favor??" I'd love to have been a fly on the wall to hear what the hell they were thinking, talkin about or doing...Silly weasels....

1 comment:

Judy said...

Was a wonderful day - rain and all! The end of an we start the march to NUMEROUS Confirmations! You are a hell of a good looking family - and it makes me ooeey inside to see your family 15 yrs later!!! - a loving, insane, gorgeous, FAMILY unit - to carry on the great traditions of family in OUR family ~ Love you all more than words can say.