While the first reaction is that football season is just barely behind us (an unbelievable 2 months, nearly), the first notices of baseball team-rostering and placement have been handed out, and found the newest Palmatier Players gearing up and ready to go.
Bryan was apparently, as I heard in CVS recently, an "early pick" in the draft, as well as "playing up" in the majors...a pleasant surprise, since we accidentally missed the try-outs the first time due to football...(Not Bryan's Game of course, but a Home Game Day for Mom - Ooops, an occupational hazard of Mom's).
Weeks later, Chris took him to the make-up try-out in Watertown, and they came home saying it had gone "fine", but really not any better than that. Batting had been tough and I figured he was just in Football Mode, and since he's so laid back about this stuff, I didn't give it another thought. So, we look forward to spending a year as a Cardinals family, among others...Should be fun...the best part is that it's ALWAYS fun. "Fun" like running a foot race while dragging a 600 lb legless elephant in a wheelbarrow, but as long as there's talk of baseball in spring, football in August and warmer days are coming, then I'll keep trudging through the icy-rain and count the days...

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