Friday, June 27, 2008

Lucky Number SIX??

What was I saying?? Right, about the lucky number six....

Since that last post, we've celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary in the Bahamas, been notified that our home was nearing it's demolition date, moved somewhat suddenly but into a bigger and better home...however, we have also acquired 2 additional children for some period of time.

Like I said! Six must be a lucky number......lucky, lucky, lucky. Thank GOD we moved when we did so that we could have a DSS/Court appointed Home Inspection in it - even if that did happen before the furniture was in it!!!

Never Dull....

(Wait, did I mention that I rear ended a nun and priest leaving one of the court dates the day before I was given custody of the kids??? Must have slipped my addled mind. The nun - Sister Mary - is taking me to lunch on Tuesday because she felt so bad for me hitting her. Am I that transparent?? )

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