Imagine the Witching Hour at my house - Since few witnesses have survived to recall it personally...
Dinner time, Homework going on 2 sides of the table, 2 kids are speaking to me - oblivious to the other who is also talking. I'm loading dishes into dishwasher and making some excuse of a meal that they will hopefully consume, or AT LEAST shove into the disposal with limited effort...(ie, chicken wings...don't ask...or just picture how well those bones go down- DUH).
Kathryn chimes in, and for some reason I hear her voice, surprisingly relaxed and "chill", especially for Kathryn who was born with a real lust for Drama. Kathryn is known to boldly exclaim that a repeat of a show that she's seen 90 times "IS COMING ON NOW!!!", or will scream like she's been lowered onto a boat in Pearl Harbor at the Moment of Most Catastrophic Destruction, if someone brushes by her too close, or rolls her pencil out of her reach just to antagonize her. Simply put, everything is a Big Deal.
ANYway, She casually mentions, apparently barely looking up from her homework: "Mom, Joe's Dying..." and I, the typical mother hearing All Things (even when I'm trying to drown them ALL out into the White Noise that is my life) and I peek around the corner from the kitchen to see Joe, in a slight panic - locking eyes with me - and turning slightly blue, and silent for the first time in - well, recorded history. He's choking on something, quite well, in fact - always showing off his skillz...and he is literally slightly blue. Of course we got it out immediately and he went back off to begin a basketball game in the Indoor Court (ie, front hall with one of those over-the-door things).
Just another day, right? Hey guys, dinner is served...It's hard to choke on Ooodle of Noodles.
1 comment:
So I wrote this post this afternoon before the kids were out of school.
After a teacher conference, we ran to Roche Bros around 5:00. A TOTAL stranger overheard me talking to the kids by the deli, and looked at them and casually said "The Witching Hour, huh?".
Uh - yeah. Apparently.
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