It seems the baseball and softball season is drawing to a close...or, at least I thought it was. I have spent the ENTIRE season on ball fields, 97 games and practices in total, at last count, with some added after the fact. I HATE the schedule. It's painful. Trying to get everyone and all the parts (not nearly as painful as football-parts, admittedly) to the right fields, on time, and the added nightmare of not having an END time for this particular sport, makes it pretty painful. Isn't it?? Having a 7 year olds game end while you screw across town to get to the other field to pick up his sister, who is, of course now pitching...ya just can't win. B is doing so well in baseball this year that we let him try out for the summer team. I wasn't surprised when he made it, but thrilled for him, despite my long-standing commitment to having the kids (uh, and myself) have a few weeks totally OFF, from the last day of school until Football & Cheer begin in August. So, I blew it, but he's thrilled and I am only grateful we will only be getting to ONE field, with ONE set of things...should lighten the load. No homework helps too.
The light at the end of the tunnel??? It's not field-lighting yet, but it's coming...a major league ballpark...in their sweet little heads all night.
LESSON OF THE DAY: Baseball never ends....only moments of time in between innings and games.

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